The Organizations supported by the Exchange Club of Albany has the values of Americanism, Community, Youth, and The Prevention of Child Abuse.

A.C.E. (Accepting the Challenge of Excellence) Program
The Exchange Club of Albany awards a student that has overcome challenges in life the A.C.E. Award. The student will be entered into the Exchange Georgia District to have the opportunity to win the District A.C.E Award

Alzheimer’s Care Takers Organization
ACTO (Alzheimer’s Caregiver Time-Out Program) is a for those with Alzheimer’s/dementia. ACTO Services include adult day care and in-home respite care. There are no eligibility requirements and there is no charge for services. However, donations are a vital part of the ACTO program as are volunteers.

The Anchorage
The Anchorage is a faith-based ministry. Our program is reliant on Biblical principles to guide us in therapy dependencies of drugs and alcohol.

Book of Golden Deeds Award
The Book of Golden Deeds is the National Exchange Club’s oldest award. It’s given to volunteers who have donated their time and efforts in a variety of community service efforts.

Butch Griffin Scholarship
The Exchange Club of Albany and SW Georgia Regional Exchange Fair has the Annual Butch Griffin Scholarship Award Program. FFA & 4H Seniors that represents FFA & 4H programs in surrounding counties receive “The Butch Griffin Scholarship” Butch, in his lifetime was a devoted member of the Exchange. We lost Butch in 2010. We honor his memory with a scholarship.

Crime Prevention Luncheon
Crime Prevention, The Exchange Club of Albany provides a luncheon for local law enforcement officers to THANK the for their unselfish work they perform. We also give law enforcement our “Time Out Teddy” bears they can give children, when they are working with children that has been abused or needs a calming effect while officers are around them.

C.H.A.M.P.S. | Choosing Healthy Activities & Methods Promoting Safety
A mission of the Dougherty County Sheriff’s Office is to provide a program that promotes healthy and safe decisions and discourages drug and alcohol abuse. The C.H.A.M.P.S. (Choosing Healthy Activities and Methods Promoting Safety) program allows us to help students recognize and resist the many direct and subtle pressures that influence them to experiment with alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, inhalants, or other drugs or to engage in violence.

Fire/EMT Luncheon
Fire /EMT Luncheon, The Exchange Club of Albany provides a luncheon for local Fire /EMT to THANK the for their unselfish work they perform.

FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel.

Freedom Shrine
The Freedom Shrine is an impressive, permanently mounted collection of 30 of the most important and historic American documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and the Gettysburg Address. They show our nation’s youth the strength and courage of their forefathers by allowing them to read, with their own eyes, the immortal words of inspired Americans who so decisively changed the course of history. The Exchange would like ti see Freedom Shrine in every Junior and High School.

Georgia District Exchange Child Abuse Prevention Foundation
Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Foundation. Money raised from various fundraisers for this foundation go to support Georgia’s only fully accredited Exchange Club Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Center, as well as several other affiliate CAP centers.

Just as its tongue-twisting title suggests, this popular projects involves the distribution of small American flags to youngsters at parades, fairs, picnics, school events or other community happenings that generate large crowds

Grace Way Center
Grace Way Recovery Residence is a women-only treatment program for women struggling with substance misuse seeking recovery support services. Grace Way provides long-term, personalized residential care.

Liberty House
Liberty House of Albany, mission is to provide services for victims of domestic violence and their children.

Lily Pad
Lily Pad, offers a safe haven for abused children and adult victims, providing long-term advocacy for victims and their families, and assisting in the investigation of abuse cases.

Lord’s Pantry
Lord’s Pantry exists to provide food assistance to individuals and families in need. We deliver this service thru donations from individuals and companies in our area.

Milestones of Freedom
The Milestones of Freedom Quiz is a great program associated with the Freedom Shrine .The multiple choice questions is based on Freedom Shrine documents. Students receive a book entitled “The Freedom Shrine Documents Text Book” Each student takes the Milestones of Freedom Quiz and then Exchangites grade them. The winners will be recognized at club meeting. Prizes of a Miles of Freedom Award.The program teaches history of America and Americanism to our Youths.

Mission Change
Mission Change is a hands-on nonprofit organization located in Albany, GA that aims to highlight and serve the people and causes in everyday communities that often go overlooked and underfunded. From homelessness to food insecurity; at-risk youth to those struggling with drug and alcohol abuse; from the needs of the elderly to those of citizens with disabilities. We are both a resource to those with nowhere else to turn as well an outlet providing an easy, hands-on approach for people who want to take action and make a positive, visible difference within their community and beyond

National Exchange Child Abuse Prevention Foundation
The National Exchange Club officially adopted the prevention of child abuse as its National Project in 1979. Exchange provides a variety of public awareness materials, designed to help inform and increase awareness of child abuse and how it can be prevented.

One Nation Under God
The One Nation Under God project was adopted on July 30, 1964, by Exchange leaders seeking to heighten awareness of our rich religious heritage. November, observed nationally as One Nation Under God Month, is a special time of year when Exchangites join together to increase public appreciation of the important roles religious faith and freedom have played in our nation’s history.

It is the mission of Open Arms Inc to bring healing,hop, and help to children, adults,and their families in need of support intervention and prevention as a result of child abuse in all in all its forms.

Proudly We Hail
Proudly We Hail honors those Americans who do display the nation’s banner properly and regularly. Recognition is in the form of a beautiful plaque specially designed for this purpose.

Special Olympics
Special Olympics is Georgia’s largest sports organization for people with intellectual disabilities? In addition, when you donate to Special Olympics, you’ll contribute the equipment, attire, and health supplies that can help transform an athlete’s life — both in Georgia, and around the world.

Since its inception in 1903 as a mission of the United Methodist Women, The Vashti Center has worked with children and youth with a variety of challenges.

Youth of the Year Award
Youth of the Year Program, honors outstanding students in the community who have exhibited excellence in academics and leadership. This program not only enhances career opportunities for those honored, it also promotes good citizenship, a desire for greater scholastic achievement, and the development of well-rounded personalities to other young adults in the community.